Affordable Vintage Rugs Wholesaler

Vintage rugs are available in a variety of machine and handmade models. Handmade carpets are extremely popular and are woven using first-class and high-quality yarns and fabrics. These carpets are available in beautiful and attractive designs and designs and can give a special beauty to the interior decoration. Distribution Center Handmade carpets distribute and send this product with first-class quality and high quality to all parts of the country. It is possible to order the most beautiful designs of this rug online.

Affordable Vintage Rugs Wholesaler

8 Main Types of Rugs and Carpets

8 Main Types of Rugs and Carpets All kinds of Iranian carpets have attracted many fans and enthusiasts from the past to the present. In fact, the word carpet in everyone’s mind will bring to life the memory of the Iranian carpet. carpet types are part of the culture and originality of our country. Handmade carpet is one of the types of carpet that is woven by hand without using any industrial tools and machines. Artistic and capable people sit on the back of the carpet and weave the knot by hand with the thread of the carpet. Machine-made carpets are also among the types of carpets that are woven industrially by machines.

Sprayer: This design has a unique uniformity and extension so that it is thought that the weaver has not stopped working for a moment. The design is such that one design is the prelude to another, and all the patterns are scattered but continuous on the carpet. This design is usually not drawn symmetrically. Brick design: In this model of carpet, there are several frames or bricks of the same size, among which there are various flowers and drawings, which induce a strange beauty and order to people.

Flower design: This design is one of the most popular designs that have a beautiful role in the center and is surrounded by flowers with small designs. Fish pattern: This pattern is in the form of a pad that extends along the length and width of the carpet. In fact, the design is like a pond surrounded by small fish; That is why it is so named.

Tips That Help You to Identify Best Quality Rugs

Tips That Help You to Identify Best Quality Rugs A great rug not only adds a color theme and pattern to the environment but also visually helps define a space and also protects the floor and reduces and absorbs noise and softness underfoot. Another important point in choosing a machine carpet is the size and dimensions of the machine carpet, which plays an important role in the space and style of your home decoration. Carpets are woven in standard sizes of 12 meters, 9 meters, 6 meters, 4 meters and you have to choose a rug quality guide what size is suitable for the decoration and type of design of your home. Contrary to many car buyers, who expect to fill their home with carpet quality, there is no need to fill the entire space of the house with carpet. Empty spaces between furniture, carpets and walls make it more beautiful. The proper dimensions of the rug are determined by several factors: the overall dimensions of the room, the furniture placed in it, the type of decoration and the look you want to achieve.

The Best Vintage Rugs at Wholesale Price

The Best Vintage Rugs at Wholesale Price The price of carpet will vary depending on its size and type. The center produces local handmade carpets and distributes this product with first-class quality throughout the country. If you want this type of product in bulk, you can register your order online and buy the most beautiful local carpets directly and without intermediaries from the main and reputable manufacturer and supplier in this specialized sales center.

Due to the variety of colors and designs of these and also the reasonable price that is intended for them, the demand in the domestic and foreign markets is very high and countless people order this product in bulk and directly. The purchase and sale price of this product has also increased significantly compared to recent years. The price of buying and selling carpets in online agencies in all parts of the country is fixed and its general and partial purchase can be done at factory door prices.


  1. Hello. Good job.
    A great rug not only adds a color theme and pattern to the environment but also visually helps define a space and also protects the floor and reduces and absorbs noise and adds the softness underfoot.
    You are excellent. Thank you

  2. Hi dears.
    These carpets are available in beautiful and attractive designs, and can give a special beauty to the interior decoration. I recommend you to buy indeed they are excellent by quality and price of course.

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