Premium Quality Carpets Suppliers

The abundance and extent of carpet weaving centers in Iran show more than thirty thousand centers for selling small and large carpets. The largest and top suppliers of Iranian quality carpets are in cities such as Mashhad, Tabriz, Kashmar, Tehran, Hamedan and Isfahan, by referring to which you will get beautiful and cheap carpets of Iranian origin.

Premium Quality Carpets Suppliers

How to Evaluate the Quality of Carpets

How to Evaluate the Quality of Carpets There are many factors that affect the carpet quality, some of which are mentioned below:

One of the most important factors that play a major role in the quality of the carpet is the yarns that are used to weave the carpet. Because the longevity of the carpet is determined by the carpet yarn. Today, in most machine-made carpet factories, fibers such as heat-set acrylic, polyester, polypropylene, etc. are used, and the best yarns in machine-made carpets can be called acrylic, which makes the carpet resistant to various factors such as Heat and hot dishes are more durable and do not burn and are damaged.

Another factor that affects the quality of the carpet is the carpet weaving machine. The best machine-made carpet weaving machines used in most carpet factories are Van de Wiele, which makes the carpet woven with better quality and has a good durability.

Density and comb also play an important role in the quality and longevity of the carpet. The higher the shoulder and the density of the carpet, the harder and more durable the carpet becomes, as well as the clearer and softer it becomes.

10 Tips for Choosing Carpet You Should Never Forget

10 Tips for Choosing Carpet You Should Never Forget Here are some important tips for buying a rug:

  1. The quality of the carpet and the type of yarn is the first and most important criterion when buying and choosing it.
  2. Accept the opinions of expert carpet sellers, but never give in to their tastes and opinions.
  3. Carefully control the carpet sizes when choosing. Be careful not to buy crooked carpets.
  4. Examine the carpet for the quality of its lint. Carpet lint should be durable, shiny and flexible.
  5. Perhaps the most important factor in choosing a carpet is its texture. To check the texture of the carpet, it is better to study it from the back.
  6. Pay attention to the carpet colors when buying and make sure that the color of the carpet is rich and complete enough and the end of the lint is not different from the color of the carpet surface.
  7. The dimensions of the carpet should be selected according to the desired location to be more beautiful and the carpet should not be folded and thickened.
  8. Consider the price of the carpet when choosing it, which should be determined based on the brand and quality of the carpet.
  9. The design and role of the carpet are also important in the selection, and if you want it for a children’s room, it is better to choose doll and attractive designs.
  10. Choose carpets from reputable brands so that you can rest easy thinking about good quality and reasonable price of carpets.

Luxurious Machine Made Carpet Distributors

Luxurious Machine Made Carpet Distributors There are so many machine-made carpet factories in Kashan or Aran and Bidgol, which are the capital of machine-made carpet production, there are more than 700 centers for weaving, producing and distributing carpets. Also, the production of machine-made carpets does not end only in Kashan, and other factories are working in cities and provinces such as Kerman, Yazd, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tehran, Delijan and Isfahan, and therefore it can be said that the largest And the best distributors of luxury machine-made carpets are manufacturers in the mentioned cities. Buyers can get beautiful, high-quality and cheap carpets by visiting them.

Due to its many fans, luxury machine-made carpets are also distributed and sold virtually through sites such as the present site. These sites buy carpets from reputable manufacturers and provide them to buyers. In this case, with the virtual purchase of brokers, it will be eliminated and the price of machine-made carpets will be greatly reduced.


  1. Hi.
    I had a memorable experience through buying these great rugs. So I recommend others who want to buy rugs that they had better to try this website
    Good job.

  2. Hello.
    One of the most important factors that play a major role in the quality of the carpet is the yarns that are used to weave the carpet.and this website is a great site to find and buy one.
    Good luck

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