Modern Rugs at Wholesale Price

What sets a modern rugs apart from other types of rugs is the way it is woven. The length of fibers used in the weaving of modern carpets is longer than the usual length of fibers for other carpets. The most important materials used in the production of modern carpets are acrylic carpet heat sets, polyester and baseboard. In addition to texture, different designs and colors are other features that distinguish modern carpets from classic carpets. Classic carpets were usually woven using traditional Iranian designs and patterns. Also, although the designers of these modern carpets tried to create color diversity in them, but the limited resources of color production and the limitation created by the designs, on the other hand, caused the colors used in their texture to have a limited variety. Modern carpets do not have these limitations due to the fact that they are produced in factories using advanced machines. The use of cheerful colors in the production of modern carpets at a wholesale price is common.

Modern Rugs at Wholesale Price

5 Different Types of Rugs Materials?

5 Different Types of Rugs Materials?

Chanel may be woven from natural or synthetic fibers such as acrylic or rayon. In modern carpets woven from this rug materials, short strands are placed between longer strands to form thicker and heavier strands. The appearance of these strands is similar to that of expensive materials such as silk due to their usually long villi and they have a soft and excellent texture. Flax is a natural fiber that is both soft and strong. Linen carpets are reasonably priced and are commonly used in the kitchen. This type of carpet is very easy to wash, but it usually absorbs dirt easily and its lint quickly clears.

Wool has traditionally been a common material for making floor coverings. Wool carpets are usually available in two types: expensive, high quality, ordinary and reasonably priced. Wool has strong fibers and its villi are usually very durable. They are easy to clean and are a good choice for busy places. Of course, it should be avoided in wet places; Because it absorbs moisture. Silk has always been praised for its soft feel, luxurious and beautiful appearance, and natural radiance, which gives depth to the colors used in it. Silk carpets are mostly used in low traffic areas due to their elegance. However, silk is not as strong as wool and is not a good choice for wet places.

Which Type of Rug is the Most Durable?

Which Type of Rug is the Most Durable?

Modern carpet is the most durable type of carpet lifespan and distinguishes it from other types of rugs quality is its texture. The length of fibers used in the weaving of modern carpets is longer than the usual length of fibers for other carpets. The most important materials used in the production of modern carpets are acrylic carpet heat sets, polyester and baseboard. In addition to texture, different designs and colors are other features that distinguish modern carpets from classic carpets. Classic carpets were usually woven using traditional Iranian designs and patterns.

Premium Modern Rugs Wholesaler

Premium Modern Rugs Wholesaler

Most models of modern carpets are sold in bulk all over the country. If you use royal design furniture, or the curtains of your house have a traditional design, many types of modern carpets will probably not fit your decoration. Of course, new products with traditional designs are offered in the form of modern carpets. In classic carpets, modern carpets are less expensive than machine-made carpets. Here are some tips to use this type of carpet in home decoration. If there is a lot of furniture in the room where you are going to spread the carpet, using a modern carpet with a simple and secluded design can increase the tranquility of the environment. Modern carpets are sold mainly throughout the country through reputable sites and reputable stores, and you can buy the modern carpet you want from these reputable sites and stores.


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